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Cordek employee wins Cycle to Work Competition

September 2024

Cordek employee wins Cycle to Work Competition

Alex Abazher from Cordek’s Moulding Team has been announced as the overall grand winner of Cyclescheme’s competition, which was held to find the best cycling commuters in the UK. In total, there were over 800 employee nominations from all walks of life and professions, so we’re delighted for Alex that his story and passion for cycling was able to resonate with the judges.

Alex moved to the UK in 2022 from Ukraine and settled here with his family. He currently cycles to work no matter what the weather and time of day (including his night shifts!); the commute has now been made that bit more comfortable with the state-of-the-art bike and equipment he purchased with his prize money.

“I have been working at Cordek for two years now and I really enjoy my work. When I told my family I had won the prize they were so happy for me, especially my daughter because I have never won anything before!” – Alex

Congratulations Alex!

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