Re-usable Guide Wall Formwork is used to accurately form an in-situ concrete guide wall which is critical in the positioning and alignment of piles within contiguous and secant piled walls. Typically the formwork consists of a plywood backing onto which the CNC profiled Filcor (Expanded Polystyrene) cusps are laminated, this then forms the guide wall profile.
To achieve reuse of the formers they are then coated with a polypropylene skin which will assist de-bonding the former from the concrete.
For the formation of guide walls to allow the accurate positioning and alignment of both contiguous and secant piled walls.
Please contact the Cordek Technical Team for assistance with determining the suitability of Re-Usable Guide Wall Formwork in relation to the project they are being considered for.
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For international enquiries please contact Peter Blanchard
For enquiries in the Manchester or Liverpool
areas please contact James Provan